31 March 2005

Mitch Hedberg Dead

I'm sure he would have had something completely weird to say about his death.

I saw him at the Comedy Zone in Atlanta before he became 'big', or at least well-known. He definitely had a unique style.

Of course, I'm guessing drug-related heart attack.

Schiavo's Body Joins The Rest Of Her

The shell of Terri Schiavo has finally been allowed to pass on. I fully expect her parents to file a wrongful death suit against Michael Schiavo shortly, but I hope they can make peace with the whole thing and move on.

"Bobby's Law"

This is fucking awesome (via atrios).


Unfortunately, the streak continues in another losing effort. Worse, a loss to the crocs. Our pitching needs to tighten up, or rather, Mike Martin needs to pull the trigger faster on this group of pitchers. He left Hunter Jones in there about 4 runs too long before he even sent anyone down to warm up.

Can't blame this loss on the hitters, we out hit them for the game. We just give up chunks of runs when a reliever would probably have stopped the bleeding.

Oh well.

30 March 2005

Livin' La Vida Robot

This is a fantastic article. You should read it. Never underestimate the power of Mexicengineering, ese.

One point in it stuck out at me: Oscar Vazquez. Here's a motivated kid, a good leader, willing to learn and who wants to serve the United States as a member of our armed forces.

I know a lot of people have issues with immigration, and certainly the article makes no bones about all of these kids being undocuments. However, I have to think that there should be some sort of middle ground. Kids like Oscar have a lot to give to this country, and I don't think we as a nation should reject what he has to offer simply because his family didn't come here legally (not that coming here legally is an option for poor families, but I digress). This is especially true, I think, given the propensity for a lot of born-here American kids who have almost nothing to give to the country, and who in fact are more than willing to stick their hands out for the money from existing entitlement programs. Not all of the illegal immigrants are here because they want to abuse our entitlement programs, most are here because they want to work and make their lives better. You know, that whole American Dream thing.

We have an obvious need right now for military personel, and people like Oscar have a strong desire to serve and to succeed. I say we make a simple trade. Agree to serve in the military and in return for that service you will be put through the process of legalization fast-tracked. Serve active duty for say 5 years, then reserves another 5 to 10 years after that. Citizenship, GI bill and all that are granted and the US gets a disciplined citizen who wants to work and make this country a safer, better place.

Scrumping Is Patriotic

My baby ate a dingo!!!

Johnnie Cochran Dead

OJ Simpson has vowed to find the 'real brain tumor.'

29 March 2005

Muppet Starring On Amazing Race 7

Joyce of team Uchenna&Joyce:

Aughra of Dark Crystal:

Clearly she has lost some weight and gotten a better hairdresser.

The Shark Has Been Jumped

First to gain support form Jesse Jackson loses.

Its a rule or something.

Al Sharpton support trumps Jackson, naturally, so Mike Shiavo still has a chance to lose.

28 March 2005

Alaska Zoo To Install Elephant Treadmill

My first thought is: "A treadmill for an elephant?!"

The elephant's first thought is: "Why the FUCK am I in freezing-ass Alaska?!?!"

Dozy Moggy?

WTF is a 'dozy moggy'?

Oh, its a sleepy cat. Yeah, that makes sense, naturally...


27 March 2005

As If You Need MORE Proof Tom DeLay Is A Bastard

(Via Eschaton.)

His own father. He must have really loved his dad to completely forget the experience he went through when arguing the Schiavo case.

This man is complete scum, and I have to assume that - given the number of times he has been elected - the people of Texas are either scum themselves, or just retarded.

Or possibly both.

26 March 2005

Florida Bill To Allow Students To Sue Professors

The sheer level of stupidity of this bill - being pushed by Republicans, natch - is mind numbing.

However, should this become law, I would find it terribly amusing when the first communist/socialist-leaning student in some economics class decides to whip out the legal stick this legislation would give him on his conservative professor who makes the mistake of 'criticizing' his 'beliefs' by saying - well, anything (according to this broad bill) - negative towards those two economic models.

Any reasonable person would see the folly of this, but then Florida Republicans aren't exactly known to be reasonable. But, at least they can figure out a butterfly ballot.


Shane Robinson continued his amazing hit streak today during a double header at Duke. Unfortunately, we lost the second game due to...uh...pitching issues in the first inning. Oh well, these kinds of things happen.

Doctors Ethics

The article itself isn't on that topic, its about the guys who invented the feeding tube technology that is used in the Schiavo case (and many, many others). What was interesting is this little blurb :

Gauderer, director of surgery at Greenville Children's Hospital in South Carolina, said it wouldn't be appropriate for him to give an opinion on the Schiavo case, but he believes the government shouldn't intervene.

"This is something that needs to be decided at the family level," he said.

Are you paying attention Dr. Frist? Of course you aren't, because you're a fucking political hack and you should have your medical license revoked.

Easter Bunny Gets Pummeled By Boy At Mall

WTF? First off, where the hell are the parents during all of this? Second, isn't a 12 year old just a little bit old to be visiting the Easter Bunny? Third, this bunny would have spanked that little brat's ass raw.

Many Germans Want Berlin Wall Back

Wow! A lot of folks like to make a big deal about Germany's economic troubles being the sole result of socialist economic crapola. Of course, they are partially right 'cause socialism is crap. But, socialism in and of itself isn't to blame for all of their economic woes. Swallowing up an entire population and economy formerly run-into-the-ground by socialism and communism is an enormous task. Frankly, it is amazing the whole country didn't collapse economically after re-unification.

Still, the effects of it are being felt even after 15 years. Worse for Germany, by joining up with the greater socialist EU commonwealth (commonpoverty?) they have further eroded their own economic stability.

It will be interesting to see if this sort of sentiment increases over time. Not just the sentiment against the "easter's" but also against the EU.

Compassionate, My Ass

While these nutjob protesters grandstand outside of the Woodside Hospice claiming to be trying to help someone live (who is already dead, despite their fantasies), they are causing grief to the other patients and families being served by the hospice. Apparently, those people's rights and privacy don't matter to the activists, I guess.

My grandmother was in this very same hospice a little over two years ago (which means I probably passed by Terry Schiavo at some point without knowing it). It is run by some of the most incredible, caring people in the world. My grandmother was smart enough to have made her wishes known in writing with a living will, fortunately. She did not want to have her life prolonged artificially, and she let us know that.

My grandmother developed MDS (myelodisplastic syndrome) which caused her bones to stop producing red blood cells. She received regular blood transfusions in her home via hospice, but her doctors told her that at some point she would no longer be able to receive any benefit from transfusions and they would have to stop (I don't remember the exact reasons they gave, something about iron build-up). After they stopped, she would begin to deteriorate as the anemia took effect. She eventually had to be put into the Woodside center where she would be able to have round-the-clock care (our family had been taking shifts staying with her at her house, feeding her, helping her onto the toilet, etc. until she got to the point that she could no longer get out of bed).

At Woodside, she had trained professionals who took care of her and allowed her to spend her last few days with dignity and in peace. She was made comfortable with drugs to soothe whatever pains she had and she was given water and what food she could eat. Eventually the anemia took her consciousness and she was no longer given food (which her body was rejecting anyway, her organs were all shutting down). My mother and her sister Vera sat by her bedside and used a little sponge to apply water to her lips and inside her mouth to keep them moist...to keep her comfortable. She wasn't able to even drink water at that point.

We spent the time by her bedside telling her that we loved her, even though she couldn't hear us anymore. My mom told her over and over how good a mother she had been, until she took her last few breaths.

We had a small memorial gathering for her at Woodside after she was gone and had been cremated (which my sister neglected to attend, but don't get me started on that). Just family and a few of the hospice workers who had taken care of her both at her home and at the center.

While she was in the center with my grandmother, my mom had noticed that the staff had trouble with laundry. They had only one or two laundry carts and because of health code regulations they had to use carts for soiled linens (and trust me, in a hospice they get a LOT of soiled linens) so of course there was a lot of laundry stress for the staff. My mom decided to donate a few carts (these are heavy duty hospital carts, not cheap) to the hospice in my grandmother's memory to help make the job a little easier for the staff that had made my grandmother's last days the best they could be.

Do the protesters realize the good that a hospice does? Do they realize that there are people in there trying to spend their last bit of time on earth in peace? Do they realize the harm they are doing in their vain, politically motivated attempt to 'help' a woman who should have already been buried years ago?

When their loved ones are dying I hope nobody comes to bully them and intrude on their peace. Part of me wants the opposite - to make them go through the same suffering they are inflicting on the Schiavo's and the other families at Woodside- but nobody...NOBODY deserves that. Not Terry, not anyone.

"They've taken away hospice's greatest quality, that it is peaceful and serene and quiet and calming — and it's not fair," Johnson said.

It sure isn't.

25 March 2005

Shane-O OWNS Hitting Streak Record

Shane Robinson now holds the FSU all-time consecutive game hitting streak at 35 games, all to himself, leaving JD Drew in the dust. ;)

No story link since Drew and/or FSUSI hasn't put one up yet.

Update: Here's a story link finally.

Fox Blocker

Heh, amusing. Of course, there's this thing called a 'remote'.

For most digital cable and satellite systems (plus anything with a V-chip I think) you can also use the parental lock to block channels. I have all the church channels locked. ;)


I love the Japanese. A whole country of perverts...just like me. ;)

Sex-deprived Wife Wins Divorce Case

A sex-strike? M'k...

I suppose women have been 'holding out' on men since the beginning of time, so why not a guy turning the tables?

24 March 2005

Republican Hypocracy

I guess that's redundant, but anyway.

"I find it opportunistic to use the death of someone like Christopher Reeve -- I think it is shameful -- in order to mislead the American people," Frist said. "We should be offering people hope, but neither physicians, scientists, public servants or trial lawyers like John Edwards should be offering hype.

I sure hope Americans wake up and smell the diarrhea they elected.

Of course, the pathetic, whipped main stream media won't have the sack to point these inconsistencies out. Anyone who thinks the Republicans are sincere about any cause they espouse needs thier head examined. These guys make Clinton look like a saint, and that is quite a task.

To sum up:

If Democrats use a person's illness (Reeve) for political gain, it is bad.
If Republicans use a person's illness (Schiavo) for political gain, it is good.

Its crap like this that almost makes me wish I wasn't an atheist, because then I could at least take comfort in the knowledge that these politician asshats would spend eternity rotting in hell. As it stands, I know they're going to just keep getting away with it, largely because of the general inability of people in this country to look behind the rhetorical sheep's clothing and see the wolf.

Behold! Your One True God!

OK, so not really. But, honestly, if I were forced to choose between the Christian/Jewish/Muslim/whatever version of God and Alton its a no-brainer. I'd choose Alton.

Shane-O Ties Hitting Streak Record

34 games. Unreal.

Jacko's Porn Collection

The jury was shown pages from a wide array of magazines with titles ranging from "Total Teen Filth," to "Over 50," and "Plumpers and Big Women" that police found in the entertainer's bedroom.

The dude is seriously, seriously fucked up.

If You Live In Ohio, Feel Free To Beat Your Girlfriend

Its not like you get charged with a felony or anything. Remember, this is for the good of everyone, cause we just can't have gay people getting married and enjoying the liberties the rest of us have. Well, the rest of us that are married heterosexuals...and Christian...and white...and...

22 March 2005

Schiavo Protesters (?)

OK, so there are some folx here in Tally that have been standing on street corners holding up signs saying (more or less):

Did you enjoy your lunch today? Terry Didn't.

Well, actually guys, even if Terry had been given lunch (or any other meal) by feeding tube, she wouldn't have enjoyed it. Why?

1) A feeding tube bypasses the olfactory and gustatory systems that a normal person would use to 'enjoy' a meal.

2) The stuff that would be fed to her via feeding tube probably isn't prepared to be tasty (because of 1 above and 3 below), just nutritious.

3) Even if the food could be smelled and tasted, and even if it were delicious she still wouldn't enjoy it because she's in a persistent vegetative state. Her brain simply doesn't register enjoyment or anything else now.

Come to grips with this fact people, and dispense with the stupid rhetoric. Your arguments sound as ridiculous as anything a Democratic protester would come up with.

Also, 4) No I didn't enjoy my lunch today, thanks.

Gee, Bush's EPA Ignoring Data It Doesn't Like...

Color. Me. Shocked.

PA County Treasurer In Deep Doodoo

Normally, I wouldn't care to post this, but this is happening in a town near where my mother used to live. I've been to New Castle (this past summer in fact), its one of the fastest growing areas in PA...kind of a suburb for Pittsburgh.

Anyway, amusing crap. It would be nice if we could just shoot misbehaving poiticians. But I guess then we'd have no politicians.

OK, I'll think about why that would be a bad idea and get back to ya.

50 Days Until Revenge Of The Sith

Hopefully Lucas won't totally fuck this one up like he did the last two.

I am skeptical.

Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince

Not too much longer now before this is out. I can't wait.

I should probably re-read the other books so it'll be fresh in my mind when the new one comes out. JET's mom is reading OotP currently.

This Is Some Feriously Funny Stuff

Reading through these entries had me in tears laughing. Basically, its a black American teaching English in Japanese middle schools and the stories about his experience. You just have to read to appreciate.

Dark Chocolate Is Good For You

Sadly, white chocolate (which isn't really even chocolate) doesn't have the same benefits. Oh well, if I have to eat real chocolate, I prefer dark chocolate over milk chocolate anyway. Milk chocolate is always too damn sweet.

Judge Says No

Feeding tube will not be put back in. Hopefully Terri will find peace soon.

21 March 2005

YASS (Yet Another School Shooting)

Video Games, Porn, Homosexuals, Atheists, Fast Food, Rock Music, etc blamed in 3....2....1....

Oooh, You're Going To HATE Thursdays

Or: "Very Well Then, DEATH by Bufu!"

Scott Peterson is probably not long for this earth. See ya!

A Dick Nose For A Dick Head

I hate David Spade. He is the antithesis of funny. Now he has a nose to fit him.


I just like saying that: Hogzilla. It makes me want to stand, pointing into the air with a horrified look on my face while screaming, 'hogzirra!'

Now all we need is something like Duckthra, then it'd be ON!

America Tells Bush And Congress To Butt Out Of Schiavo Business

Well this poll made me feel a bit better about America. Not even the evangelicals are in favor or what the politicians are doing. I think that says something. Question is, will Bush and Congress listen?

Eh, prolly not.

Die Bambi, Die

OK so I watched Bambi last night. I hadn't seen it since I was a kid, and I literally only remembered one scene from the whole movie...Thumper sliding across the ice.

That's it. One memory. I guess I grew up before parents could chain thier kids in front of the TV with the VCR going non-stop. Come to think of it, we never had a VCR. We wuz po.

One thing is for sure, animation to day is WAAAAAAAY better than back in the olden times. Don't get me wrong, this stuff is classic...heck that's the reason I bought the DVD (cause the movie itself has about squat for an actual story line). But, animation today is a world apart. Dreamworks and Pixar have moved so far beyond Disney it ain't even funny.

The Sketch Show

I watched this last night and it was definitely funny. Its kind of like an American Monty Python's Flying Circus For People With Attention Deficit Disorder...or AMPFCFPWADD for not-so-short.

The skits are generally really short, witha lot of quick-hitting visual comedy. Also a lot of variation-on-a-scene-theme stuff where they come back to the same setting but take the scene a different way. Again, Python used to do this.

Anyway, I liked it and I hope it lasts a while.

I linked to the IMDB page instead of to Fox, because Fox's web site is teh stupid.

The One Bright Spot

JET pointed out the other day the one silver lining in this whole Schiavo debacle: there is now greater awareness about Living Wills. If you don't want to end up a political pawn for 15 years like Terry, then you should get one.

I don't want to 'live' (sic) like that, so I 'spose I better get myself a living will soon (and a regular will too while I'm at it).

So Where Was Bush's Outrage Over This?

Gee, I wonder.


Bush Signs Bill To Prolong Schiavo's Suffering

Hopefully the courts will lay the smack-down on this BS legislation quickly.

Remember the days when Republicans argued that matters such as these should be dealt with at the state level or lower? The formerly Federalist Republicans have, for all intents and purposes, become entirely statist. You know, kinda like Democrats.

You have to wonder if this type of legislation might come back to bite them in the ass. After all, for years they have been arguing that abortion laws should be left to the states to decide. Here they are now saying that states shouldn't be able to decide life and death issues.

Don't think for a minute that Democrats won't use this in the future for thier own purposes.

Ultimately of course, the government shouldn't be involved in this case at all. It is a family matter. Period.

Update: While we're on the subject of Republican BS (and yes, I know some Dems voted for this law as well, but they're just the vagina party at this point, so I expect nothing less), isn't it funny that Republicans will complain endlessly about 'judical activism' all the while turning out this kind of 'legislative activism'? The Agitator has a really good post on this subject.

20 March 2005

Stick A Fork In It, My Bracket Is Done

Aweful, just aweful. Why do I even bother with this crap every year?

How Sweep It Is!!

We completed the sweep of the castrated turkeys of VaTech today. Yesterday was a loooong day and I did a lot of rag-arms. VaTech will push Duke and Maryland for the bottom-of-the-ACC this year.

Shane Robinson's hit streak is now up to 434984 straight games (ok, ok...just 33 games, but still).

Drew made the wise decision of making sure we were in tune before we sang the Shane-O song after Friday's rendition, in which 72 distinct pitches were going simultaneously. It was bad.

18 March 2005

Abstinence May Lead To Risky Acts

I'm shocked. SHOCKED!

You mean, horny teens that promise not to have sex are still likely to have sex, this just can't be!


Last year, the same research team found that 88 percent of teens who pledge abstinence end up having sex before marriage, compared with 99 percent of teens who do not make a pledge.

There isn't a real huge difference in the numbers there, and frankly, 88% is reason enough to teach safe sex either in addition to or instead of abstinence-only education. Clearly, abstinence-only programs don't make enough of a difference on their own. (And more than likely some of the 12% saying they didn't have sex are lying, just like some of the 99% are probably lying about having had sex...remember, these are teens.)

We win!!

Game was probably closer than it should have been, but we got the W, so whatever. It was cold. Who the fuck forgot to tell the weather that its March...in Florida?

Tomorrow will be the first weekend night game of the season (I think) so there will be a long day of tailgating and probably a lot of very drunk people. Should be fun ;)

I've got some chicken drumsticks marinating. Some in jerk sauce, and some in hawaiian sauce. Also have some andouille for Pappy (the grillmeister) and some cheddarwurst to spooge in JD's mouth.


Teh awesome!

Eric Idle looks ill though (go through the slideshow). :(

Amazing Race Bets Eliminated

Don't read the article if you don't want to know who is supposed to win the race. Apparently sketchy betting patterns triggered the lockout. I'm surprised the betting houses even take bets on these shows given that the results are already known (by a bunch of insiders) by the time the shows air and because they've already had past incidences of apparent leakage.

Anyway, if the article is right, it brought a smile to my face. ;)

Let her go already

I appears that the feeding tube is now going to be allowed to be removed from Terry Schiavo today. Obviously, nobody wants to see her die...but she's been dead for a long time, folx.

The mainstream media has kept this story alive far too long by irresponsibly showing the 2001 video of her supposedly showing signs of consciousness briefly. What they don't show you are the hours of the same video in which she clearly shows no signs of congnitive reactions at all.

Of course, our lovely politicians are doing everything they can to take political advantage of the situation - and make no mistake about it, thier motivations are purely political - by trying to pass laws explicitely preventing the physical shell of Terry from being allowed to die along with the mind that went long ago.

While the Jeb and the legislature pine on about protecting the unlife of Terry, they have completely ignored the suffering of Terry's husband who is alive. Michael Schiavo has been painted as a greedy man trying to off his wife so he can collect the remainder of the legal settlement for the injuries she suffered in the first place. However, most of that money has been spent on Terry, and Mr. Schiavo has also indicated his willingness to donate the remainder of the settlement money to charity. The recent failed bribe attempt I think is proof enough that Mr. Schiavo is sincere in his convictions and his assertation that Terry had indicated to him prior to her condition that she didn't want to be kept alive artificially.

Jeb and the rest of you: let it go. Stop using Terry for your political agendas. Mr. & Mrs. Schindler, let your daughter have peace.

Cool foot pedals...

These foot pedals can be used to activate mouse clicks or other keyboard actions. This can be a nice thing for people who have carpel-tunnel, artheritis or other conditions that make using the mouse difficult or painful.

It also gives me an idea for a game controller that would be good for FPS-type games. One of the big problems I have with playing games like Halo on a console is that crouching and jumping are really hard to coordinate on the controller. When I play those games on the PC, I use a combination of mouse and joystick (not keyboard, cause keyboards are right-hand biased, and I am left handed...and fat-fingered, which is really a greater problem in the long run). I use the mouse for 'look'/turning control, and the joystick for forward/backward/strafe control. The mouse buttons I used for crouch and jump, and the joystick buttons for firing and weapon cycling.

On the XBox, I want the two triggers for...well...triggers. Halo2 lets you wield two weapons simultaneously and fire them independently, so that basically ties up two fingers and two buttons. Look and movement occupy the thumbs. That means that in order for me to crouch or jump...and really you need these to be effective in any kind of human-vs-human combat...I have to either give up a trigger finger and lose firing capacity or give up a thumb and give up aiming/movement capacity in order to execute a spiffy combat maneuver involving a jump or crouch. Obviously, that's a big sacrifice.

I have a racing steering wheel controller that I bought for playing Project Gotham 2 that has a foot pedal attachment for gas and brakes. It makes driving considerably easier to control for the game.

I'll have to take a look online and see if I can find non-steering wheel controllers that have pedal attachments. Might be a good business opportunity of none exist.

I think they have some game controllers designed for FPS that are shaped like guns and use some mechanism to translate where you point the controller at the screen to move your in-game view. Not sure how that works or if they are any good. I'll have a look at those too.

Update: OK, so the guns I saw are light guns and I guess they work with games specifically designed for light guns like those zombie shooter types. Foot pedals do exist, but they are designed to work in conjunction with the light guns as reload buttons. So, it appears there isn't an offering out there that does what I want. Now I just need to figure out how to build my own controller. :)

South Africa Repeating US Gun Control Law Mistakes

Apparently South African lawmakers are as dumb as U.S. lawmakers when it comes to gun laws. Using the same illogic of gun control advocates here, South Africa has implemented a gun control law (in which 80% of permit applications are refused) to supposedly combat the country's violent crime rate.

Of course, taking guns away form the law abiding citizens will do nothing to stop the rate of violent crime, because criminals - get this - DON'T OBEY THE LAW! They use unregistered guns for their crimes. To wit:
"It's not really a matter of choice," Holmes said. "Licensed firearms are not used in crime at any great rate."

Estimates of the number of illegal firearms in South Africa vary between 1 and 4 million, he said, but the real problem is from some 30-40,000 hardcore criminals using a small number of illegal guns.

So, the lawful citizens have been forced to go old school, buying machetes, crossbows, swords, etc. to protect themselves from the violent criminals. That's just wonderful how the South African government has hamstrung its own citizenry and put the lawful at a distinct technological disadvantage against the unlawful.


Looks like they also are following the failed gun amnesty programs we have here too.

South Africa began a firearms amnesty on Jan. 1 that to date has netted some 13,000 weapons, officials told Reuters, but critics say most of the weapons handed in are old and would never have been used for crime.

"It's mostly been grannies and grandpas that are handing in weapons that are probably unusable anyhow," Willmers said.

I'm not sure how it works there, but here in the U.S. we have had gun buy-back amnesty programs where government actually pays out money - no questions asked - to people turning in guns, which are later destroyed. Of course, criminals are often turning in broken or old weapons and then taking the money and going out to buy brand new guns...illegally, of course. And then they can take those shiney new illegally bought guns and commit crimes against people who don't have guns because they made the mistake of actually obeying the laws.

Here's a thought: why don't we do something to stop the criminals from getting guns illegally rather than stopping non-criminals from legally purchasing guns to protect themselves from the criminals?

17 March 2005

Apparently nothing rhymes with 'curmudgeon'

Oh yeah, that's right, fuck you and the horse you rode in on, 'orange!'

Welcome Friends!!!

...of JET. I got traffic on mah page thanks to mah girlfriend.

Git in mah bloggie!!!

//it probably really is the end of the world...you can thank me later
///squeeze a duck for good luck
////hey that rhymes!

Spaghetti Squash

Well, my first attempt to cook spaghetti squash left a lot to be desired. I don't think I cooked it long enough, so it was kinda crunchy. Not exactly the texture you want for spaghetti.

Oh well, I know to cook it longer now.

I'll have to make up for it by cooking some yellow squash casserole once the offerings are a little better at Publix. I'll post that recipe and some others as I go along. Its really, really good stuff (thanks 626!).

"You can find that book everywhere and the risk is that many people who read it believe that those fairy tales are real"

Great quote from Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone. He was referring to The DaVinci Code, but I think it could apply to some other books. ;)

March Madness is underway.....

And my bracket already sucks.

Not really, but Alabama, Pittsburgh and Iowa all have dissapointed me. In the long run they don't hurt me since I didn't have any of them advancing past the second round. None of the tournament really means anything to me since FSU isn't in it...again.

I miss Charlie Ward, Bob Sura, Sam Cassell, Rodney Dobard, Doug Edwards, Chuck Graham...

Update: Add Texas to the list of shame above. Guess they answered that whole steers-n-queers question, huh?

Second Thoughts

This is a post from one of the blogs I have found, a small victory. You can read the post yourself, but the gist is that this very intelligent woman is now having a few second thoughts about her choice for president, Bush. Of course, the usual bashing from the right and told-you-so-ism of the left has been heaped on her in the comments (along with some good supportive stuff, don't get me wrong).

Her dilemma - not thinking out the long term consequences of her choice - is nothing new. Most people in this country take the 'voting for the lesser of two evils' approach at election time. The problem with this approach is that it always guarantees you evil. What Americans should do is demand better representatives so they don't have to vote for an 'evil' at all.

I made this choice, along with a whopping 0.3% of Americans, by voting for Badnarik (who?). While I certainly don't agree with everything Badnarik espouses, he was the ONLY candidate who stood for the majority of what I believe in: small government that stays out of your business and your wallet. In other words, freedom.

But I digress. I chose this entry from her blog just to introduce the blog itself. I highly recommend you read through her archives. They are filled with lots of witty, droll, stupid, intelligent, crazy, cool stuff. Just like I like it!

What's more, she's an advocate for Steak And BJ Day, which is a fantesticle trait in any woman.

St. Patty's Day

I'm not wearing any green.

I'm not Irish.

I'm not Catholic.

I don't even drink. (Is it not PC to insinuate that Irish Catholics drink? To fucking bad!)

I did, however, put the Bailey's flavored creamer in my coffee this morning. ;)

16 March 2005

The Incredibles

I picked this movie up today at the toy store. (Widescreen, natch) This is another great film from Pixar that I really enjoyed...and my girlfriend really didn't. Oh well, there's no accounting for taste. ;)

So anyway, tonight's viewing menu is set. I'm particularly looking forward to 'Jack-Jack Attack' and I will post later on how that was.

If you haven't seen this movie and you spent any time whatsoever during your youth reading comics (I still have my old collection), go rent it and enjoy.

Update: I fucking hate DVD packaging. It is a DVD, it isn't the U.S. Gold Reserve. You do not need to surround it with Fort Knox. Ugh!!!

Update: OK, so I wasn't terribly impressed with the Jack-Jack short. Not that it was bad...in fact, it ties in nicely with the movie once you've seen it. Which, I guess, is the problem. Usually Pixar shorts have a story unto themselves and they stand up well alone. Still cute though.

Oh, but what was on the bonus disk that I totally forgot about was the Boundin' short film that they showed before the film in theaters. Totally awesome. And its got naked sheep...that's hot! ;)

Men are planning for their divorce before they even get married

First off: duh. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being prudent. Pre-nups are a good thing. Use them.

Ah but second... As with many stories about divorce, it is once again portrayed as an evil blight on society.

Some men go to even greater lengths to secure their futures. “We had a few cases where engaged men told us they gave a good portion of their belongings to friends or relatives for safe keeping. One man admitted buying a house in his gay cousin’s name so he would have a place to live if things didn’t work out. This shows the sad state of relationships and the impact of divorce in this country.”

Haus believes the trend of setting up divorce nest eggs will continue. “As long as there is divorce, there will be people trying to beat the system.”

Dr. Haus and others like to attack the institution of divorce, saying it is too easy to get divorced yadda yadda. But they are missing two key points:

  1. Divorce is symptom of a problem (or more realistically, problems), not a cause.
  2. Marriage is a contract.
Regarding the first point, the way I see it the issue isn't that divorce is made too easy, it is that marriage is made too easy. We'll let just about anyone get married in this country (except gays, but we'll save that for another day). More often than not, people get married too young and for the wrong reasons. And worse, they go into it with all the wrong expectations. Our modern society has conditioned us to think of marriage as an expression of romantic love. And while I am not denying that that can be a very wonderful component of a marriage, it should not be the sole basis for one. Traditionally/historically, marriage was an economic union of two families. In large part - at least legally speaking - it still is. And this brings me to the second point.

Marriage is a contract, and divorce is a legitimate means for cancelling that contract. When you sign your marriage certificate, you are entering into a legal agreement with your spouse. Our country has volumes of laws that cover both this contract's life and its dissolution. We're in the thick of tax season, so you married folk know exactly what I am talking about.

Contracts can be broken, either mutually or by one party in breach. For instance, if a man cheats on his wife, he is in breach of his marital contract with her. If your employer failed to pay your wages as contractually promised, they too would be in breach of contract. Just as you would thereby be within your rights to file a legal claim for contractual dissolution (and damages), so too can the aforementioned wife via divorce. If we take away legal recourse for one type of contract, we might as well take it away for all types of contracts, right? Is that the kind of society you want to live in?

Obviously, in a free society we shouldn't impose limits on contracts - or rather who can enter into them - as that is clearly counter to both our economic and political systems (even though apparently millions of people can't grasp that notion). In so much, I can't offer a nice clean solution to fixing the first point above. Marriage is hard, and people need to understand that before entering into it. But you can't force people to think.

For the record, I am not and have never been married.

This template sucks

I will definitely be changing this template to something else. Probably something FSU related.


Update: Changed it. This one is better. I will FSU-ize it later, but this one is easier to read.

FluffyBunny?? WTF, Mate?!

OK, I guess the first thing I need to do is 'splain the moniker. First off, I have a penis. It is glorious. Well, not really, but it has always been loyal to me. People have generally in the past seen the name and figured that I was female.

The story goes like this: I started working at a start-up software company in Atlanta back in 1997 after I finished grad school. The company had its reigning alpha-geek gamer champ, whom I will refer to as BigHead (This doesn't refer to his ego, although he had plenty of that like any programmer, but rather to his physically enormous gourd. It was huge. Unnatural. Almost South Park-esque in proportion to the rest of his body.) BigHead was apparently very good at most of the games the guys played on the company network after (and often during) hours. One day we got a new game called 'Metal Gear', I think. One of those Mech Warrior robot type games. Well, he challenged me to play a head-to-head game, I accepted.

In these games (FPS), of course, you choose a name to show up on screen. I picked FluffyBunny because I figured if I killed him, it would be funny having him see 'You have been killed by FluffyBunny' on his screen. Well, a bunch of people packed into BigHead's office to watch him stomp me at this game. Didn't happen. He saw 'You have been killed by FluffyBunny' a lot. Everyone had a good laugh at his expense.

After that it just stuck. I started using it for every online game just for the same amusing effect. And because frankly, the tired old hard-ass names like 'DeathMaker', 'SoulRavager', 'PuppyKiller' are just not that intimidating. A co-worker and friend started using the name 'TinkyWinky' and he and I would go terrorize FPS servers across the net. Good times.

I don't play too many on-line shooters anymore, but I do still use the name fo rmessage boards and such. Too lazy to come up with something else.

OK, lame story I know. But what were you expecting?

Hello World

Sorry about the horrible cliche title of this post, but hey, I'm a programmer, so I am allowed. Nay, required, lest I lose my geek card.

So...Seven Hills Curmudgeon...what's that all about? Well, see, I live in Tallahassee, Florida. Tallahassee is the Seminole word for 'Seven Hills'. And, apparently, Tallahassee has seven major hill formations. Terribly creative.

I am a fan of this town, though I probably couldn't tell you exactly why, and I am also a FSU Seminole fan, which I can explain: I got my undergraduate degree at FSU.

Curmudgeon is just something I have been called in the past because of my...well...curmudgeonly beliefs. I have been called other thing as well, but most of those would not make for an appropriate blog title. ;)

So, why am I doing this blog now? I dunno. I guess I found myself reading several blogs online and decided to throw my hat into the ring along with the other bajillion or so other people on the planet. Its not like anyone is ever going to read this thing besides me anyway. More than anything, though, I suppose this will be my place to publicly vent, as only us curmudgeonly folk can.

I'll be linking up to the various blogs I like to read and posting absolutely worthless crap, the likes of which you can only find on...well, the entire internet. So, enjoy. Or not.