28 September 2005

Now Comes The Hard Part

Indictments are nice, but convictions are better. Hopefully this will be the first in a long line of indictments for the crooked sons of bitches we have in Washington.

This country will be better off with more politicians in jail.

Pretty Teh Awesome!

This thing is pretty cool. I've seen another vehicle protype with a similar tilting principle, and also three wheeled, but inverted with one unpowered wheel in front and two powered wheels in back. I tend to think this guy's approach is better as it gives more forward stability, which is important for turning.

I'd love to see stuff like this get mass produced, but Big Auto doesn't care about things like innovation, safety, fuel efficiency, convenience, affordability....

Oh well.

26 September 2005

Gee, Ya Think?

$600 sho' is a lot of money...for me to poop on!

Actually, 600 bucks is almost enough to fill up your car's tank with gas. For a week.

13 September 2005

Bush Finally Accepts Fault For Something

Its a start. Now lets see if he'll accept fault for all of his other fuckups.

Probably not.

Of course, it took the prodding of the media, the outrage of the nation, and of course dismal polling results to get him to this point. Now it is up to the public to keep the pressure on this asshat and finally hold him accountable for the unbelievable level of incompetence, cronyism and outright corruption he has wrought on this country.

He has managed to make Bill Clinton look like a decent president.

How the FUCK do you make Bill Clinton look good!? Jesus.