17 March 2005

Second Thoughts

This is a post from one of the blogs I have found, a small victory. You can read the post yourself, but the gist is that this very intelligent woman is now having a few second thoughts about her choice for president, Bush. Of course, the usual bashing from the right and told-you-so-ism of the left has been heaped on her in the comments (along with some good supportive stuff, don't get me wrong).

Her dilemma - not thinking out the long term consequences of her choice - is nothing new. Most people in this country take the 'voting for the lesser of two evils' approach at election time. The problem with this approach is that it always guarantees you evil. What Americans should do is demand better representatives so they don't have to vote for an 'evil' at all.

I made this choice, along with a whopping 0.3% of Americans, by voting for Badnarik (who?). While I certainly don't agree with everything Badnarik espouses, he was the ONLY candidate who stood for the majority of what I believe in: small government that stays out of your business and your wallet. In other words, freedom.

But I digress. I chose this entry from her blog just to introduce the blog itself. I highly recommend you read through her archives. They are filled with lots of witty, droll, stupid, intelligent, crazy, cool stuff. Just like I like it!

What's more, she's an advocate for Steak And BJ Day, which is a fantesticle trait in any woman.

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