I picked this movie up today at the toy store. (Widescreen, natch) This is another great film from Pixar that I really enjoyed...and my girlfriend really didn't. Oh well, there's no accounting for taste. ;)
So anyway, tonight's viewing menu is set. I'm particularly looking forward to 'Jack-Jack Attack' and I will post later on how that was.
If you haven't seen this movie and you spent any time whatsoever during your youth reading comics (I still have my old collection), go rent it and enjoy.
Update: I fucking hate DVD packaging. It is a DVD, it isn't the U.S. Gold Reserve. You do not need to surround it with Fort Knox. Ugh!!!
Update: OK, so I wasn't terribly impressed with the Jack-Jack short. Not that it was bad...in fact, it ties in nicely with the movie once you've seen it. Which, I guess, is the problem. Usually Pixar shorts have a story unto themselves and they stand up well alone. Still cute though.
Oh, but what was on the bonus disk that I totally forgot about was the Boundin' short film that they showed before the film in theaters. Totally awesome. And its got naked sheep...that's hot! ;)
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