21 March 2005

Bush Signs Bill To Prolong Schiavo's Suffering

Hopefully the courts will lay the smack-down on this BS legislation quickly.

Remember the days when Republicans argued that matters such as these should be dealt with at the state level or lower? The formerly Federalist Republicans have, for all intents and purposes, become entirely statist. You know, kinda like Democrats.

You have to wonder if this type of legislation might come back to bite them in the ass. After all, for years they have been arguing that abortion laws should be left to the states to decide. Here they are now saying that states shouldn't be able to decide life and death issues.

Don't think for a minute that Democrats won't use this in the future for thier own purposes.

Ultimately of course, the government shouldn't be involved in this case at all. It is a family matter. Period.

Update: While we're on the subject of Republican BS (and yes, I know some Dems voted for this law as well, but they're just the vagina party at this point, so I expect nothing less), isn't it funny that Republicans will complain endlessly about 'judical activism' all the while turning out this kind of 'legislative activism'? The Agitator has a really good post on this subject.

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