I appears that the feeding tube is now going to be allowed to be removed from Terry Schiavo today. Obviously, nobody wants to see her die...but she's been dead for a long time, folx.
The mainstream media has kept this story alive far too long by irresponsibly showing the 2001 video of her supposedly showing signs of consciousness briefly. What they don't show you are the hours of the same video in which she clearly shows no signs of congnitive reactions at all.
Of course, our lovely politicians are doing everything they can to take political advantage of the situation - and make no mistake about it, thier motivations are purely political - by trying to pass laws explicitely preventing the physical shell of Terry from being allowed to die along with the mind that went long ago.
While the Jeb and the legislature pine on about protecting the unlife of Terry, they have completely ignored the suffering of Terry's husband who is alive. Michael Schiavo has been painted as a greedy man trying to off his wife so he can collect the remainder of the legal settlement for the injuries she suffered in the first place. However, most of that money has been spent on Terry, and Mr. Schiavo has also indicated his willingness to donate the remainder of the settlement money to charity. The recent failed bribe attempt I think is proof enough that Mr. Schiavo is sincere in his convictions and his assertation that Terry had indicated to him prior to her condition that she didn't want to be kept alive artificially.
Jeb and the rest of you: let it go. Stop using Terry for your political agendas. Mr. & Mrs. Schindler, let your daughter have peace.
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