09 April 2005

Everything Is Bigger In Texas

Especially the assholes.

This Texas state rep, Larry Phillips - a Republican - wants to implement a decidedly Big Borther-ish plan to install transponders on everyone's cars as part of the already existing state vehicle inspection stickers that would carry information on the owner's insurance standing. Now, first of all state vehicle inspections are already a tax which is bad enough, but now they want to keep tabs on you too? That's right, if your insurance is expired they will mail you a $250 ticket (read: tax). Of course, all this information will be verified on a state maintained database, which cannot be guaranteed to accurately reflect your insurance status. And, lets not forget that this government run database will be paid for by your tax dollars. Because, you know, you wouldn't want to spend those tax dollars on something useful to you...like maybe insurance.

Remember the days when Republicans were against these kinds of big, intrusive government programs?

I miss those days. Ronald Reagan has got to be spinning in his grave.

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