Why do keyboards have stupid shit like Scroll Lock and Pause Break on them, but not useful keys like 'Copy' and 'Paste'?
Mac keyboards aren't any smarter...the Home and End keys do not go to the beginning and end of a line respectively. Instead, you have to hit two keys (Command + Left/Right Arrow) to accomplish this very simple, very fucking obvious task. Why? Stupid.
And Caps Lock should be banished to some kind of two-handed, three key shortcut. Nobody needs to write anything in all caps. At the very least, if you are going to put it on its own key, move it far, far away from the rest of the keys. Heck...put it where Pause Break is...
Seven Hills Curmudgeon
Stuff from a guy in Tallahassee
06 February 2010
10 December 2009
21 March 2009
A Post From Windows Live Writer
So, I’m trying out this new Windows Live Writer blogginator thing. Let’s see how it goes. Here’s a picture of Hawaii:
20 January 2009
05 November 2008
So this country finally shook off 8 years of neo-conservative stupid last night. I watched the whole thing on both the computer and TV until after 1am. Something I never do on election night.
I don't know if this result is a good thing or not. Nobody can really know that, at least not for a few years. But I know it is a different thing.
I was born in 1971, and in the span of my short life, we have gone from a country where a black person had zero chance of becoming President, to having it come to pass. America is a crazy animal, unlike anything else in the world, really. We have the most diverse population on earth...racially, religiously, economically speaking. We have been (at least until the neo-conservatives took over) the most innovative and hard working nation on earth. And yet, with all that diversity and creativity, we're also maddeningly resistant to change. And when you get down to it, we kind of hate each other at times (especially every 4 years).
But last night we sobered up a bit. I am not convinced that it was an endorsement of Obama's message (though that is certainly a possibility) as it was a repudiation against the Republican party for going so far astray over the last 8 years. The Republican party of today resembles little of the party it was under Goldwater, who's conservative principles have all but been abandoned by the party. The party's problems didn't start in the last 8 years, however. The seeds were sewn by the patron saint of the GOP, Ronald Reagan, when he courted the religious right. He - and they - signed a deal with the devil and only now are paying the price, having gained so very little for either of their causes along the way.
So now we have largely cast off the big spending, big government, imperialist Republicans and are left with the Democrats...a party that is no stranger to any of those same faults. The question now is, can Barack Obama demonstrate the strength of character and conviction to be able to not only fend off a Republican minority sure to try to sabotage his every move, but also to stand up to his own party when they inevitably try to bring their own brand of stupid to the dinner table?
My only hope going forward is that the answer to that question is, 'yes he can.'
I don't know if this result is a good thing or not. Nobody can really know that, at least not for a few years. But I know it is a different thing.
I was born in 1971, and in the span of my short life, we have gone from a country where a black person had zero chance of becoming President, to having it come to pass. America is a crazy animal, unlike anything else in the world, really. We have the most diverse population on earth...racially, religiously, economically speaking. We have been (at least until the neo-conservatives took over) the most innovative and hard working nation on earth. And yet, with all that diversity and creativity, we're also maddeningly resistant to change. And when you get down to it, we kind of hate each other at times (especially every 4 years).
But last night we sobered up a bit. I am not convinced that it was an endorsement of Obama's message (though that is certainly a possibility) as it was a repudiation against the Republican party for going so far astray over the last 8 years. The Republican party of today resembles little of the party it was under Goldwater, who's conservative principles have all but been abandoned by the party. The party's problems didn't start in the last 8 years, however. The seeds were sewn by the patron saint of the GOP, Ronald Reagan, when he courted the religious right. He - and they - signed a deal with the devil and only now are paying the price, having gained so very little for either of their causes along the way.
So now we have largely cast off the big spending, big government, imperialist Republicans and are left with the Democrats...a party that is no stranger to any of those same faults. The question now is, can Barack Obama demonstrate the strength of character and conviction to be able to not only fend off a Republican minority sure to try to sabotage his every move, but also to stand up to his own party when they inevitably try to bring their own brand of stupid to the dinner table?
My only hope going forward is that the answer to that question is, 'yes he can.'
10 October 2008
Yeah, yeah, I never post. Whatever
So, I made a funny pic. It is an homage to the terrorist hunting permit stickers that showed up after 9/11. I thought this was appropriate given the economic terror that has hit this country.
Of course, I don't encourage anyone to actually go out and hunt a CEO. Because that would be bad?
Of course, I don't encourage anyone to actually go out and hunt a CEO. Because that would be bad?
10 April 2008
XBox360 Wiimote???
So, apparently there is rampant speculation that MS will be coming out with a knock-off of the Wiimote. Well, I don't have any problem with them coming out with motion controls. As an owner of a Wii, I can honestly say that - at the very least for certain genre's of games - the motion controls are some of the most intuitive and fun controls I have ever used. But my concern is that MS will rush this through and fuck it up. The PS3's motion controls were rushed and generally disliked by both developers and gamers, so making the same mistakes would be costly.
I've thought some about how I would approach bringing motion control to the 360. First, the 360's controller is incredibly comfortable. Easily the best of the three current generation consoles, with the caveat that the Wii nunchuk is on par. In fact, both have a similar palm profile. Look at the following images (which will hopefully not be borked or goatse'd):

Not the best images to tell, but you can see they have the same sort of elegant, curvy form-factor. These things just nestle into your palms so nicely. The wiimote itself suffers from the same sort of comfort issues that A/V remotes are plagued with...a rectangle being pointed forward isn't comfortable in the hand. But, the nunchuck is very nice.
Anyway, back to the 360 controller. If I were to try to convert it into a motion controller, I would take some of the best aspects of the current 360 controller and combine them with the best of the wii's controller(s). First, split the unit into two parts like the Wii. Obviously, this gives you two distinct sets of gyros to work with to implement left and right motion 'sticks'. Second, carry over the 360's buttons, triggers and analog sticks. I don't think the Wii controller has the 360's pressure trigger and button sensitivity, so we definitely want to keep those from 360. The 360's analog sticks, with their concave tops, are really good, so we keep those. One thing we steal from the wii for the analog sticks is the octagonal base frame. This makes it easier for you to find the 8 absolute directional positions. Unlike the Wii, we keep the two part untethered. The D-pad would definitely need to be better than the 360's, which is pretty bad. Just make the guts like every other D-pad on the market instead of the weird internal arrangement they have now (google for more info).
So, I went ahead and used Google Sketchup to quickly draw up some mock-ups. I am, however, not great with 3D modeling tools, so I wasn't able to put in the nice curvy shape of the nunchuck/360 palm rests, but hopefully you will get the gist. Here are the images:

As you can see, the shoulder buttons and triggers of the 360 are retained. Also, on the right controller, the offset analog stick is also retained. Notice that both units have a base. This would be where you could connect batteries and also store gyros or whatever. They also make a convenient resting base. A friend of mine also suggested making the base have a rounded bottom so the controller could be rested on a knee or whatever and used like a flight control stick.
Anyway, this is my thinking of how I would go about it. Guess we'll have to see how MS goes.
I've thought some about how I would approach bringing motion control to the 360. First, the 360's controller is incredibly comfortable. Easily the best of the three current generation consoles, with the caveat that the Wii nunchuk is on par. In fact, both have a similar palm profile. Look at the following images (which will hopefully not be borked or goatse'd):
Not the best images to tell, but you can see they have the same sort of elegant, curvy form-factor. These things just nestle into your palms so nicely. The wiimote itself suffers from the same sort of comfort issues that A/V remotes are plagued with...a rectangle being pointed forward isn't comfortable in the hand. But, the nunchuck is very nice.
Anyway, back to the 360 controller. If I were to try to convert it into a motion controller, I would take some of the best aspects of the current 360 controller and combine them with the best of the wii's controller(s). First, split the unit into two parts like the Wii. Obviously, this gives you two distinct sets of gyros to work with to implement left and right motion 'sticks'. Second, carry over the 360's buttons, triggers and analog sticks. I don't think the Wii controller has the 360's pressure trigger and button sensitivity, so we definitely want to keep those from 360. The 360's analog sticks, with their concave tops, are really good, so we keep those. One thing we steal from the wii for the analog sticks is the octagonal base frame. This makes it easier for you to find the 8 absolute directional positions. Unlike the Wii, we keep the two part untethered. The D-pad would definitely need to be better than the 360's, which is pretty bad. Just make the guts like every other D-pad on the market instead of the weird internal arrangement they have now (google for more info).
So, I went ahead and used Google Sketchup to quickly draw up some mock-ups. I am, however, not great with 3D modeling tools, so I wasn't able to put in the nice curvy shape of the nunchuck/360 palm rests, but hopefully you will get the gist. Here are the images:
As you can see, the shoulder buttons and triggers of the 360 are retained. Also, on the right controller, the offset analog stick is also retained. Notice that both units have a base. This would be where you could connect batteries and also store gyros or whatever. They also make a convenient resting base. A friend of mine also suggested making the base have a rounded bottom so the controller could be rested on a knee or whatever and used like a flight control stick.
Anyway, this is my thinking of how I would go about it. Guess we'll have to see how MS goes.
03 April 2008
Speaking of baseball....
So, I haven't blogged about baseball in a very long time. Honestly, I have gotten to a point where I just don't expect much from the team as far as the post-season is concerned. Even last year, when we had the best hitting team in FSU history, I just never really believed that we'd get to Omaha,(and we didn't). So, I didn't bother blogging.
At the start of this season, my feelings hadn't changed. But, over the course of the season I am slowly starting to get optimistic. This will probably come to bite me in the ass with a giant chomp of disappointment later on, but oh well. Right now this team - while flawed, especially in fielding - seems like maybe it has the mythical 'IT factor.'
They are prone to lapses and getting themselves in a hole, but it just doesn't seem to bother them...they just keep fighting. The first I saw of this was the first game against UGa. They got way down early in the game before the game was postponed because of rain, but the next day during the continuation, they just keep fighting and fighting. They were dug too deep to pull out a win, but the fight was there. This has been a recurring theme so far, vs Wake, vs UF, vs JU.
The team is again hitting well and we may have settled into having the best pitching staff I have seen in a long time. With the condensed scheduled, all teams needed to be able to find 5 true starters, and I think we have actually done that with Fairel, Parker, Villanueva, Strauss and McGee. We still probably need to get more guys as strong relief, but I think that will get settled before the end of regular season with Gast coming off injury and other guys getting work. Buster Posey is a legitimate, albeit unconventional, closer.
The glaring weakness has been in the fielding, where we're really just not very good. This month will be a real test of fire for the team as we play arguably the best teams we have on the schedule in UVa, UNC and Miami. Making fielding errors against these teams will be costly, so the fielding is going to be under a lot of pressure. I hope they respond with as much fight as they have shown so far this year.
At the start of this season, my feelings hadn't changed. But, over the course of the season I am slowly starting to get optimistic. This will probably come to bite me in the ass with a giant chomp of disappointment later on, but oh well. Right now this team - while flawed, especially in fielding - seems like maybe it has the mythical 'IT factor.'
They are prone to lapses and getting themselves in a hole, but it just doesn't seem to bother them...they just keep fighting. The first I saw of this was the first game against UGa. They got way down early in the game before the game was postponed because of rain, but the next day during the continuation, they just keep fighting and fighting. They were dug too deep to pull out a win, but the fight was there. This has been a recurring theme so far, vs Wake, vs UF, vs JU.
The team is again hitting well and we may have settled into having the best pitching staff I have seen in a long time. With the condensed scheduled, all teams needed to be able to find 5 true starters, and I think we have actually done that with Fairel, Parker, Villanueva, Strauss and McGee. We still probably need to get more guys as strong relief, but I think that will get settled before the end of regular season with Gast coming off injury and other guys getting work. Buster Posey is a legitimate, albeit unconventional, closer.
The glaring weakness has been in the fielding, where we're really just not very good. This month will be a real test of fire for the team as we play arguably the best teams we have on the schedule in UVa, UNC and Miami. Making fielding errors against these teams will be costly, so the fielding is going to be under a lot of pressure. I hope they respond with as much fight as they have shown so far this year.
What is this, a fucking BBQ blog?
OK, so there are two updates to make. First, Wilson's BBQ is kaput. Not real surprising considering the BBQ wasn't out of this world spectacular, and because the location is shitty.
Second, I think I have a new #1 in the form of Shane's rib shack. The ribs are better than Mr. T's simple because they don't drown them in sauce. As far as inherent tenderness and flavor, they are on par, but that sauce issue is important. Moreover, Shane's has ridiculously good Brunswick Stew. Definitely the best I have ever had. It is thick, meaty and flavorful. I have, on several occasions now, gone there before baseball games to pick up dinner in the form of a pint of the Brunswick Stew. That pint is filling for a meal, and way cheaper than buying food at the stadium.
Baseball is actually how Shane's was introduced to me. The owner of the local franchise (yes, like Famous Dave's it is a chain) is a sponsor for the Animals this year and had a bunch of us come in for a free meal early this season. I was hooked immediately. This isn't some spiel to brown-nose an Animal sponsor either, the food there is really good. The only problem with the place is that it isn't located closer to home so I can have it for dinner more often.
So, I suppose a new BBQ ranking list is in order:
1) Shane's Rib Shack
2) Mr. T's
3) Jim & Milt's
4) Famous Dave's
5) Gerdie's
Second, I think I have a new #1 in the form of Shane's rib shack. The ribs are better than Mr. T's simple because they don't drown them in sauce. As far as inherent tenderness and flavor, they are on par, but that sauce issue is important. Moreover, Shane's has ridiculously good Brunswick Stew. Definitely the best I have ever had. It is thick, meaty and flavorful. I have, on several occasions now, gone there before baseball games to pick up dinner in the form of a pint of the Brunswick Stew. That pint is filling for a meal, and way cheaper than buying food at the stadium.
Baseball is actually how Shane's was introduced to me. The owner of the local franchise (yes, like Famous Dave's it is a chain) is a sponsor for the Animals this year and had a bunch of us come in for a free meal early this season. I was hooked immediately. This isn't some spiel to brown-nose an Animal sponsor either, the food there is really good. The only problem with the place is that it isn't located closer to home so I can have it for dinner more often.
So, I suppose a new BBQ ranking list is in order:
1) Shane's Rib Shack
2) Mr. T's
3) Jim & Milt's
4) Famous Dave's
5) Gerdie's
26 December 2007
Stupid Christmas Season Mail Order Products. Part 3
Today's installment focuses on Shamwow. This comes up not because the product is particularly stupid, but rather because of the incredibly piss poor quality of the commercial. When we saw this thing on TV, my fiancee and I both kept waiting for the Energizer Bunny to come rolling across the screen. The production value is that bad.
Then there is the name: Shamwow. All I think was how appropriately named the product is...it's a sham alright. More like shamwtf.
Then there is the name: Shamwow. All I think was how appropriately named the product is...it's a sham alright. More like shamwtf.
23 December 2007
Attack of teh stupids!!!!
Just read it. This country has completely lost its handle on common sense. Banning an old guy from a mall for life because he couldn't find his car? C'mon, they should be pretty impressed if the old guy can find his own ass, let alone his car.
07 December 2007
Stupid Christmas Season Mail Order Products. Part 2
Tonight's product is a Billy Mays joint called Mighty Putty. You can watch Billy do his infomercial thing on the web page. $20 plus $9 shipping.
The product itself isn't the usual craptastic fare you see in these ads, it is actually a neat product. It is basically an epoxy putty.
If you know anything about epoxy you know how awesome the stuff is. You have a compound that, by itself, is uninteresting. But, when you add a specific catalyst to the compound, you get a reaction leading to a new compound that can be ridiculously strong. Think of it kind of like cement. Dry Portland cement is just a useless powder, but add water to it and you have an amazing construction tool. Similarly, epoxies are used throughout industry as adhesives, coatings, fillers and so forth.
So, the problem with Mighty Putty isn't that it is a stupid product, it's that it is a product pitched to do things that, while possible, aren't necessarily appropriate. One suggested use is as a filler on a broken tile. Well, yeah, it will fill the missing tile piece, and it will be strong as hell, but your floor will look like a beat up car patched up with Bondo. You're really better off replacing the entire tile with a new one that won't look like ass.
Another suggested use is as a replacement for the missing portion of a cup handle. They tout it by saying you can 'mold it to any shape.' That's true, as that is the basic nature of a putty, but again we have an aesthetic problem. Your coffee cup is a Bondo masterpiece. Great. Why not just get a new coffee cup? They are made of fired clay, and are cheap. Oh and they don't look stupid. And of course we have no idea how the putty handles being washed, and we don't know if there is a possible health risk being used on a food container. I'll just get a new cup, thanks.
Still another suggestion is using the putty as an adhesive for shelving. While the stuff is certainly adequate as an adhesive, you can get a box of literally hundreds of perfectly adequate screws for less money that will do the same job. If you just need adhesive, there are also other options available that might be better, cleaner, cheaper and easier to use. Various Liquid Nails products, for instance.
They show the putty being used for various pipe leak fixes, which is really not a bad use of the product either. The problem there is that it is an ugly fix. As a stop-gap measure in an emergency, it'd be fine. But in the long run, you'd want to have a more professional fix done. Think about a home inspector seeing the sink drain putty fix they picture. Not good. They're gonna tell you to have it fixed right before you sell.
So, yeah, it'll do everything advertised, but in most cases, why would you want to? The real kicker here is that you can get essentially the same exact product from Lowes - Oatey Epoxy Putty - for under $5. If you honestly think you'll ever need something like this, just go to the hardware store and save yourself $25.
The product itself isn't the usual craptastic fare you see in these ads, it is actually a neat product. It is basically an epoxy putty.
If you know anything about epoxy you know how awesome the stuff is. You have a compound that, by itself, is uninteresting. But, when you add a specific catalyst to the compound, you get a reaction leading to a new compound that can be ridiculously strong. Think of it kind of like cement. Dry Portland cement is just a useless powder, but add water to it and you have an amazing construction tool. Similarly, epoxies are used throughout industry as adhesives, coatings, fillers and so forth.
So, the problem with Mighty Putty isn't that it is a stupid product, it's that it is a product pitched to do things that, while possible, aren't necessarily appropriate. One suggested use is as a filler on a broken tile. Well, yeah, it will fill the missing tile piece, and it will be strong as hell, but your floor will look like a beat up car patched up with Bondo. You're really better off replacing the entire tile with a new one that won't look like ass.
Another suggested use is as a replacement for the missing portion of a cup handle. They tout it by saying you can 'mold it to any shape.' That's true, as that is the basic nature of a putty, but again we have an aesthetic problem. Your coffee cup is a Bondo masterpiece. Great. Why not just get a new coffee cup? They are made of fired clay, and are cheap. Oh and they don't look stupid. And of course we have no idea how the putty handles being washed, and we don't know if there is a possible health risk being used on a food container. I'll just get a new cup, thanks.
Still another suggestion is using the putty as an adhesive for shelving. While the stuff is certainly adequate as an adhesive, you can get a box of literally hundreds of perfectly adequate screws for less money that will do the same job. If you just need adhesive, there are also other options available that might be better, cleaner, cheaper and easier to use. Various Liquid Nails products, for instance.
They show the putty being used for various pipe leak fixes, which is really not a bad use of the product either. The problem there is that it is an ugly fix. As a stop-gap measure in an emergency, it'd be fine. But in the long run, you'd want to have a more professional fix done. Think about a home inspector seeing the sink drain putty fix they picture. Not good. They're gonna tell you to have it fixed right before you sell.
So, yeah, it'll do everything advertised, but in most cases, why would you want to? The real kicker here is that you can get essentially the same exact product from Lowes - Oatey Epoxy Putty - for under $5. If you honestly think you'll ever need something like this, just go to the hardware store and save yourself $25.
06 December 2007
Stupid Christmas Season Mail Order Products. Part 1
Well, it is that time of year again. No, not the Holiday season, the stupid-holiday-product season. Every year as far back as I can remember the TV air waves become inundated with commercials schlepping the most ridiculous crap imaginable. It begins, naturally, right around Black Friday, and persists until a day or two after New Years.
The hope of these TV shucksters, of course, is to take advantage of people who's judgment is impaired by eggnog flavored rum, those too lazy to put thought into gifts, and the stupid. The stupid above all, really. Invariably the commercials for these trinkets attempt to make the products seem like the best thing since sliced bread. In reality, they are usually only marginally better than sliced fingers. Your own sliced fingers. Sliced fingers on your good hand.
The sad thing is that these people will make money. A lot of money. Because there are a lot of stupid people on this planet. The crapola they sell is grossly overpriced for what it is. But even if they were only breaking even on the product, they've built in profit by charging your retarded ass $8 shipping and handling for something that only costs them maybe $2 to ship....and handle, whatever that means.
So, I thought I would chronicle the crap that I see this year and today I will start with Twin Draft Guard. OMG!!! WEATHER STRIPPING!!! ORGASM!!!!
This piece of shit is essentially a towel rolled up from two ends and slid under a door or window. It costs $19 + $8 shipping. Of course, the obligatory 'if you order right now we'll double the number of' spiel is there, so you get two of these glorified rolled up towels for that price. And, yeah, they also throw in the obligatory bonus 'free' unrelated product. In this case an 'over the door hanger'. They somehow come up with a value of $30 for this particular add-on. What a great deal! Three pieces of junk for a mere $27!
Wait a second. I can get 17 feet of good quality weather stripping at Lowes for $6. That's enough to seal the bottom of several doors. Even better, I can use it to seal the sides and top of the door as well, since air doesn't only come in from the bottom. The amazing Twin Draft Guard? Yeah it can only seal the bottom. And the weather stripping is permanently affixed to the door or window, so there is no chance of it coming flying out from underneath the door when you open it quickly. TDG isn't affixed, it is just slid under the door. A loose seal and physics will guarantee that you'll be re-setting it every time you open the door. Fun!
And a quick look at Lowes also turns up a comparable over the door hanger to the one in the commercial for a whopping $10. What?! Surely it has to be worth three times as much! The commercial says so! Right.
So going with Lowes and barely shopping, I have spent $16, compared to the $27 I would have spent on TDG had I been born without a brain. And I got more product and a better functioning product. Common sense for the win!
The hope of these TV shucksters, of course, is to take advantage of people who's judgment is impaired by eggnog flavored rum, those too lazy to put thought into gifts, and the stupid. The stupid above all, really. Invariably the commercials for these trinkets attempt to make the products seem like the best thing since sliced bread. In reality, they are usually only marginally better than sliced fingers. Your own sliced fingers. Sliced fingers on your good hand.
The sad thing is that these people will make money. A lot of money. Because there are a lot of stupid people on this planet. The crapola they sell is grossly overpriced for what it is. But even if they were only breaking even on the product, they've built in profit by charging your retarded ass $8 shipping and handling for something that only costs them maybe $2 to ship....and handle, whatever that means.
So, I thought I would chronicle the crap that I see this year and today I will start with Twin Draft Guard. OMG!!! WEATHER STRIPPING!!! ORGASM!!!!
This piece of shit is essentially a towel rolled up from two ends and slid under a door or window. It costs $19 + $8 shipping. Of course, the obligatory 'if you order right now we'll double the number of' spiel is there, so you get two of these glorified rolled up towels for that price. And, yeah, they also throw in the obligatory bonus 'free' unrelated product. In this case an 'over the door hanger'. They somehow come up with a value of $30 for this particular add-on. What a great deal! Three pieces of junk for a mere $27!
Wait a second. I can get 17 feet of good quality weather stripping at Lowes for $6. That's enough to seal the bottom of several doors. Even better, I can use it to seal the sides and top of the door as well, since air doesn't only come in from the bottom. The amazing Twin Draft Guard? Yeah it can only seal the bottom. And the weather stripping is permanently affixed to the door or window, so there is no chance of it coming flying out from underneath the door when you open it quickly. TDG isn't affixed, it is just slid under the door. A loose seal and physics will guarantee that you'll be re-setting it every time you open the door. Fun!
And a quick look at Lowes also turns up a comparable over the door hanger to the one in the commercial for a whopping $10. What?! Surely it has to be worth three times as much! The commercial says so! Right.
So going with Lowes and barely shopping, I have spent $16, compared to the $27 I would have spent on TDG had I been born without a brain. And I got more product and a better functioning product. Common sense for the win!
31 August 2007
Hooray football!!!!
And also, boooooo football!!!
College football started up in earnest last night, which is good. Anyone who doesn't love fall football is a gay terrorist communist Nazi Republican. Unfortunately, the 'feature' game of LSU @ MSU was, in a word, awful. Sylvester Croom's defense played very well. Hard hitting, tough and were in it to win the whole game. But they were on the field the whole game because their offense is terrible. It was as if they had no discernible offensive scheme and were just spinning the Jeff Bowden play-call wheel...which the same results. Their QB threw 6 INT's....you'd think after, say, the first three you might want to seriously consider...I dunno...calling safer pass plays. Maybe set your QB up with high % passes rather than the down field stuff.
Anyway. It is started, so that's good. But football should not be allowed on Labor Day, and especially not for FSU. Sick and fucking tired of these Labor Day games. They suck.
College football started up in earnest last night, which is good. Anyone who doesn't love fall football is a gay terrorist communist Nazi Republican. Unfortunately, the 'feature' game of LSU @ MSU was, in a word, awful. Sylvester Croom's defense played very well. Hard hitting, tough and were in it to win the whole game. But they were on the field the whole game because their offense is terrible. It was as if they had no discernible offensive scheme and were just spinning the Jeff Bowden play-call wheel...which the same results. Their QB threw 6 INT's....you'd think after, say, the first three you might want to seriously consider...I dunno...calling safer pass plays. Maybe set your QB up with high % passes rather than the down field stuff.
Anyway. It is started, so that's good. But football should not be allowed on Labor Day, and especially not for FSU. Sick and fucking tired of these Labor Day games. They suck.
24 August 2007
BBQ Update
Today we went to Mr. T's BBQ on South Monroe. Easily the best ribs in town. Sauce was pretty good, although I wish they would serve the meat un-sauced and have sauce at the tables so you could put your own on. They put a LOT of sauce on. It'd also make it easier to try the different sauces they have, although that is limited to three choices I think.
The macaroni & cheese is excellent. Beans were OK, probably canned. Whatever. It is a bit pricey if you get sides and a drink. And I don't recommend getting the 'slice' of pie. It is good pie (I had the sweet potato pie) but its not a slice, its a little 3" pie that is too small. I was expecting a real slice of a real 10" pie. If you're with a group, buy a full pie and split it up.
I had the chicken/rib combo, and the chicken was really good as well but they chop it rather than leave it whole, which was odd. But skip the chicken and get the ribs.
Oh, and Tiny's BBQ...in keeping with the tradition of all great BBQ joints....burnt down. So I guess it is off the list. We'll just go ahead and put Mr. T's in its place.
The macaroni & cheese is excellent. Beans were OK, probably canned. Whatever. It is a bit pricey if you get sides and a drink. And I don't recommend getting the 'slice' of pie. It is good pie (I had the sweet potato pie) but its not a slice, its a little 3" pie that is too small. I was expecting a real slice of a real 10" pie. If you're with a group, buy a full pie and split it up.
I had the chicken/rib combo, and the chicken was really good as well but they chop it rather than leave it whole, which was odd. But skip the chicken and get the ribs.
Oh, and Tiny's BBQ...in keeping with the tradition of all great BBQ joints....burnt down. So I guess it is off the list. We'll just go ahead and put Mr. T's in its place.
27 February 2007
Theme Week Continues.....sorta
So we couldn't decide on a good theme for this week, so we have decided to go with 'view week'. In other words, places we think will have the best boobage to looka at while we eat.
Yesterday was the old stand by, the mall. Viewage was OK, but not really special. Today we went to Panera...or Poonera as we have dubbed it. But sadly, the view was not spectacular either.
Not sure where to for tomorrow, but with this weather there needs to be more flesh exposed! :)
Yesterday was the old stand by, the mall. Viewage was OK, but not really special. Today we went to Panera...or Poonera as we have dubbed it. But sadly, the view was not spectacular either.
Not sure where to for tomorrow, but with this weather there needs to be more flesh exposed! :)
22 February 2007
Latin American Week, Part 4
Day four brought us to Los Amigos, where the old Scales and Tails used to be. Pretty much comparable to La Fiesta, although probably a tad bit cheaper. I had the "#17" by which I mean the Mexican Chicken, which is about all I will eat at a Mexican joint. Chicken strips with rice, cheese sauce, pico de gallo and refried beans. The dish was a bit spicier than at La Fiesta, which is a good thing.
The nachos they had for the appetizer were much, much better than La Fiesta, but the salsa didn't have as much kick, so I guess it evened out.
All and all a decent joint if ya like Mexican.
Tomorrow we're getting free lunch at work, so I think Latin America week is officially over. So, I will sum up, top to bottom:
The nachos they had for the appetizer were much, much better than La Fiesta, but the salsa didn't have as much kick, so I guess it evened out.
All and all a decent joint if ya like Mexican.
Tomorrow we're getting free lunch at work, so I think Latin America week is officially over. So, I will sum up, top to bottom:
- Black Bean Cafe
- Las Brasas
- Super Perros
- Los Amigos
- Super Perros
- Las Brasas
- Black Bean Cafe
21 February 2007
Latin American Week, Part 3
Today we went to Las Brasas on the parkway. This is a Peruvian place that also does some Cuban dishes. I had the Tacu Tacu, which is a rice based dish with white beans and topped with a thin steak. Not real spicey, which I was kinda hoping for, but still very tasty. I also got a side order of maduros, which were nearly as good as the ones from Super Perros. Some of the other dishes they had looked interesting, so we're probably gonna have to return there a few times to sample all the goods.
20 February 2007
Latin American Week, Part 2
Today we went to Super Perros, a Columbian hotdog place. It is definitely different fare, but quite tasty. I had the super perro, which is a hot dog with cheese, crushed potato chips, pineapple sauce, and also with mustard, ketchup, mayo and 'pink sauce', which I declined. I did ask for the pink sauce on the side to see what it was...tasted kinda like ketchup and mayo together. Anyway, the dog was good. I got an empenada on the side, as well as an order of maduros. The sides were excellent, and the maduros were the best I have had in town thus far.
Reasonably priced and tasty. On the down side, I got totally soaked when Howie tried to get up from the table and knocked Brian's cup of water over onto me. I'm still cold.
Reasonably priced and tasty. On the down side, I got totally soaked when Howie tried to get up from the table and knocked Brian's cup of water over onto me. I'm still cold.
19 February 2007
Latin American Week
Yes the lunch boredom continues. Epic.
So we decided today that we would hit up the various Latin American offerings. Today, we went to the Black Bean Cafe, a Cuban joint. I had the arroz con pollo (cause that's just what I get when I get Cuban) and it was a load. I got the maduros (fried ripe plantains) as a side, cause I love them. I couldn't finish all the rice, but the whole meal was exceptional, and reasonably priced. It will be hard to top this place this week.
Word to the wise though, go with the dinner platters they have, rather than the sandwiches. You get a better overall value and a lot more food.
So we decided today that we would hit up the various Latin American offerings. Today, we went to the Black Bean Cafe, a Cuban joint. I had the arroz con pollo (cause that's just what I get when I get Cuban) and it was a load. I got the maduros (fried ripe plantains) as a side, cause I love them. I couldn't finish all the rice, but the whole meal was exceptional, and reasonably priced. It will be hard to top this place this week.
Word to the wise though, go with the dinner platters they have, rather than the sandwiches. You get a better overall value and a lot more food.
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