09 November 2006

They Deserved To Lose

This pretty much sums it up. Like 1994, this really isn't about one party managing to sell a shiny new set of ideals to the country, but rather the country punishing the party in control for simply not doing the right thing.

Both parties should learn an important lesson from this and the 1994 election: you are there to serve the people of America. Not special interest groups, not your big-money campaign contributors, and most especially not yourselves.

I have little faith that either party will take the lesson to heart, but for now I am grateful for the blessed gridlock we will enjoy for the next two years.

19 October 2006

Layoffs are bad, m'k.

So far I have been spared, but who knows for how long.

21 September 2006

Sweetener of the gods

I think I will have to try this stuff out if I can find it. My mom would love it for cooking if it does a better job than that crappy Splenda...crap.

17 September 2006

Amazing Race 10

Well, they certainly got an interesting group of contestants this time. I'm secretly rooting for the Kentucky hicks...they have to have an aerodyamic advantage with so few teeth...or something.

I do wish they'd get rid of the non-elimination rounds, and just make the first three shows non-elimination, but without the penalties. That way you could sorta get to know the people so you can have a more well-informed hatred for the various contestants.

07 July 2006

Jonathan Coulton

Funny songs.

My favorites so far are 'Code Monkey' and 'Re: Your Brains'. The 'Camp Bachelor Alma Mater' is pretty slick too.

11 June 2006

Futbol is exciting but...

...it will never catch on with the U.S. audience unless they change a few things.

  • Offsides. In Football, offsides is a defensive penalty designed to keep the defense from stopping the offense from scoring too much. In soccer, offsides is a penalty that rewards the defense for being basically lazy, and prevents scoring. In baketball - a sport very analogous to soccer - they have no such rule. If you get behind the last line of the defense and score they put that on the highlight reels on ESPN...they don't penalze you for it.

  • The clock. Americans have a cultural identification with watching the clock run down to zero to see the end of a game. In soccer, the clock just keeps on going for who knows how long. If there are stoppages in play, just stop the damn clock. It isn't that hard...we have the technology...

  • Officiating. With one referee (and two linesmen who only handle offsides and calling out of bounds) a LOT of crap that goes on simply gets missed. Worse, half the time the idiot isn't even remotely in position to make a call, and ends up either making no call or the wrong one. They should go with 3-5 officials, more like basketball, and they would get considerably better officiated games (and a lot less dirty play).

  • Pansy-asses. I have now watched two World Cup games, and I have seen more flopping dicks than at a nudist beach for retirees. These guys fall down and are 'injured' more than punters in Football. And, because of the officiating, they more often than not get the calls...even when they've not been touched. Meanwhile, guys will get creamed for real and no calls are made.